Rankings/ Publications
Publications and Papers
John’s publications and papers include the following:
- Risk Mitigation in International Petroleum Contracts, 50 Georgetown J. Int’l L. 745-87 (2019)
- Best Practices for Effective and Quick Dispute Resolution in the International Energy Industry, King & Spalding Energy Newsletter (Dec. 2018)
- Choice of Law in International Petroleum Contracts, American Law Institute (online resources) (Jan. 2018)
- Stabilization Provisions, in Upstream Government Petroleum Contracts 315-36 (King & Spalding 2017) (published by Juris)
- Resources on Resources: Publications and Databases Available to Help Advocates in International Oil & Gas Disputes, in The Leading Practitioners’ Guide to International Oil & Gas Arbitration 937 (James M. Gaitis ed. 2015)
- LEX PETROLEA: Sources and Successes of International Petroleum Law, Texas State Bar Oil, Gas and Energy Resources Law Report 81-94 (Summer 2015)
- Advocacy in International Commercial Arbitration, Texas State Bar Litigation Section Report 39-43 (Winter 2013)
- Inhouse Lawyer’s Role in International Arbitration, 20 Am. Rev. Int’l Arb. 285-316 (2009) (reprinted in Thomas Carbonneau, Cases and Materials on International Litigation and International Arbitration (2014))
- Dispute Resolution Planning and Pitfalls for Energy and Natural Resources Disputes, 50 Rocky Mtn. Min. L. Inst. 8–1 to 8–46 (July 2004)
- Texas Energy Arbitration Developments, Texas State Bar Litigation Section Report 76-79 (Winter 2003)
- Compelling Arbitration in International Cases, International Litigation, American Bar Ass’n (D. Levy ed. 2003)
- The Panama Convention and Its Implementation Under the Federal Arbitration Act, 11 Am. Rev. Int’l Arb. 1-186 (2000)
- Dispute Resolution Planning for the Oil and Gas Industry, 16 ICSID Rev. – F.I.L.J. 332-407 (2001)
- Drafting Effective Dispute Resolution Agreements 1-26, ABA Section of Natural Resources, Energy, and Environmental Law, Houston (April 1998)
- Private Actions Against Petroleum Engineers and Geologists 1-72, Recent Developments Affecting Reserve Estimates and Production Forecasting, Insight and Hart Publications Conference, Houston (September 1996)
- Marketing Gas to Affiliates: A Producer Perspective, Ninth Annual Advanced Oil, Gas and Mineral Law Course T-1 to T-28, Doubletree Hotel, Austin (September 1991)
- Ratable Take Disputes from the Pipeline Perspective, Natural Gas Disputes and Litigation Institute 1-47, Westin Galleria, Houston (May 1990)
- Arbitration of the Gas Contract Dispute: An Alternative to Litigation, Natural Gas Disputes and Litigation Institute 1-45, Westin Galleria, Houston (May 1989)
- Take or Pay Obligations in Gas Purchase Agreements: The Pipeline Perspective, presented at Decline & Revival in the Energy Market: Legal Issues & Responses 1-98, Waldorf Hotel, London (June 1987)